For the team at Engine House, there is nothing like witnessing the transformation that takes place in our students when they dedicate time for themselves. We know that it is all too easy to push your fitness and well-being to the backburner when things get busy. By pre-booking times for your fitness and well-being, you will build the consistency needed to achieve your goals and we can't wait to be part of your journey.
If space allows, we will offer drop-in classes at a rate of $20 but prebooking reserves your spot in the class(es).
Classes can be booked online or by phone and payment can be made on the website when booking, at the studio by credit card, debit, cash, or by e-transfer to
Purchase Options:
Drop-in Classes: $17.70 + HST ($20/class)
10-class Pass: $159.30 + HST (10% discount - $15.93/class) – 6 month expiration
Monthly Membership (4 passes): $60.18 + HST (15% discount - $15.05/class)
Monthly Membership (8 passes): $113.27 + HST (20% discount - $14.16/class)
Monthly Membership (12 passes): $159.29 + HST (25% discount - $13.27/class)
Monthly Membership (16 passes): $198.23 + HST (30% discount - $12.39/class)
Monthly Unlimited: $225.66 + HST (57.5% discount - $7.52/class)
- monthly memberships auto-renew every 30 days unless cancelled in advance
-memberships can be cancelled at any time without penalty